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From the blog

Stay up to date with the latest from my blog.

  • Signal Effects

    Effects are only performed when the value of a signal changes. So if a signal value is modified, the effect takes place. When an Effect…

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  • Input transform option

    @Input() is a powerful annotation that allows to pass data from a parent component to a child component. A common usage for those Input annotations…

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My Projects

Infostar New Generation

Front-end expert for the new development of the GUI.
Infostar, the digital civil status register, is being completely overhauled and redeveloped. As part of the frontend team, I can pass on my know-how to other full-stack developers and support them in the development. I also work directly with the UX designer, the specialist managers and the PMO team, where I can share my frontend knowledge and contribute my expertise.


Project manager of the IFC3 project for a management environment for interpreters. IFC3 is a web-based administration system for all Fedpol interpreters. Table management programmed in Angular and successful graphical preparation of the GUI for Fedpol.


Responsible for the front-end topics in the JMH project, which is a tool for fingerprint and DNA analysis. I worked directly with the customer and was able to actively contribute to meetings with my frontend knowledge.

Short documentary for school

I planned and filmed a short documentary on the topic of conspiracy theories using the example of corona as my final project for general education classes. Out of about 70 professions and about 2500 students, this work was recognized by the school as the best in-depth work 2022 (Beste Vertiefungsarbeit 2022)

Kurzdokumentation Verschwörungstheorien am Beispiel Corona

Logo for accelerit

During an intensive design process, I remained in constant communication with accelerit. This way I made sure that the logo corresponded exactly to their ideas. This was their final decision and the logo they chose.

Your future project ? ;)

I am always open for new challenges, new projects and new exciting learning opportunities. Want to share your ideas and excitement with me? Contact me below, I’d be happy to be a part of your journey :)

Want to know even more?


I do photography, filming and drawing. Those three things are what I like to do most. If you want to get creative, I am all ears.

Look at my Gallery below, pictures say more than words.


I mainly program Angular Typescript. I work with HTML, SASS, CSS and JavaScript in the frontend. I also have experience with NGRX and NxJS as well as Playwright.

  • Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, NGRX, NxJS, Playwright
  • SCRUM, HERMES, Git, BitBucket, Jira, Confluence, Figma


I have a Pomeranian dog called Tofu. I train weekly at dog school and attend workshops on dog body language. I am currently training as a Sozialhundetrainerin with Sozialhunden Allschwil.

Was sind Sozialhunde


Some of my work. Photography and drawings. Enjoy

Contact me

(+41) 078 739 69 60

3006 Bern